Inclusion is partnering to develop social housing in the German-speaking region


The real estate social housing company Inclusio, the family holding company Nomainvest and the German-speaking Community holding company Proma are joining forces to create a joint subsidiary aimed at expanding the supply of quality affordable housing and the provision of new social infrastructure in the German-speaking Community. Inclusio Ostbelgien has been given a starting capital of EUR 6,100,000.

As well as acquiring existing properties, the partners also want to look at new builds and the conversion of old public or private buildings to expand the size of their portfolio. Ideally, the housing projects will involve complexes of 15 to 20 flats of varying sizes, to ensure a social mix that guarantees genuine inclusion in the local fabric of life.

The aim is to work with the two social housing agencies active in the German-speaking Community, Tri-Landum and Wohnraum für Alle, to take over the management of the properties. Possible collaborations with the public housing company ÖWOB will also be analysed.

Marc Brisack, CEO Inclusio: "By drawing on Inclusio's property know-how and management capabilities, we hope that our collaboration with local public and private players will enable our company to gradually build up a sizeable portfolio in this region of the country where we have not previously had a presence. The public-private collaboration established through this joint venture is for us the ideal example of the role of partner that Inclusio wishes to play in increasing the supply of affordable rental housing".

Yves Noël, Chairman of Nomainvest, comments: "We have set the ball rolling with two initial acquisitions in the centre of Eupen. We were inspired by Inclusio's model, which combines a moderate financial return with a strong social impact."